Bess Randles, DAOM

I am a licensed Doctor of Acupuncture in Rhode Island, certified Chinese herbalist, and former board member of the Rhode Island Society Acupuncture (RISA). As a holistically minded practitioner, I work to comprehensively address your health concerns within the context of your unique identity and experience. Through exploration of your goals, elucidation of the roots of your symptomatology (physical and emotional), and collaboration to rebalance your health, I strive to provide you enduring healing and empowerment.

With a passion for physiology and creative inquiry, I graduated from Oberlin College with a dual degree in studio art and biology. In medicine, I found their confluence. Logically, I began the journey towards a medical doctorate. In this pursuit, however, I fell in love... with acupuncture. Already having been accepted to Brown University’s Alpert Medical School, I found myself pinned down to a gravity chair in Pittsburgh, completely blown away by acupuncture’s potency, artistry, compassion, individualized approach, and sustainability. One year after my first acupuncture experience, I left Alpert Medical School to enter a rigorous training program at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM) in Portland, to cultivate these qualities in my own healing practice.

I respect medical doctors, and I have not regretted my choice to depart from allopathy. Since receiving a degree from OCOM, my passion for Chinese medicine has continued to grow and blossom. The capacity of acupuncture to be both so strong and gentle leaves me in a perpetual state of gratitude and awe. After providing primary care services and acupuncture to hundreds of patients in rural Nepal, I returned to Rhode Island to share my passion for Chinese medicine with you in 2019.

In the spirit of collaboration and sustainability, my practice meets you where you are to charter a path towards better health. Whatever your size, shape, sexuality, gender, culture, race, or experience, I welcome you to contact me for a consultation. I am dedicated to empowering you with the tools to reclaim and cultivate your self.

Bess trekking in Nepal, en route to Providence. ☺

Bess in her clinic. Photo by Billy Hickey.


The origins of the name Moonspring are in the March full moon, the Worm Moon. As winter wanes, it is this moon that wakes the earthworms to churn the soil, making it fertile ground for new growth. A gentle glow in the dark of what often feels like New England’s longest month, this moon sparks the earth’s transformation into springtime’s fertile green and bloom.

This is how I imagine the potency of Chinese medicine. Our bodies hold within them an innate potential for growth, transformation, and healing. Through acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, and bodywork, I draw upon and support your body’s natural intelligence. Like the moon, I work to gently illuminate a path in the dark. Then, out of what may have felt like a winter of life, you might enter into a spring of renewal and growth.

Designed by MJ Robinson.

Logo designed by the amazing MJ Robinson.